Planning to Start a Blog? This is the ONE Thing You Need

Starting a blog isn’t difficult if you have a lot to share. Content creation has become a big thing in a growing market of social sharing, so it’s easier to start a blog—but honestly, it can be quite taxing to maintain it.

So, I heard you’re planning to start a blog. Take it from me, blogging isn’t the hardest thing to do, it’s remaining consistent that is quite difficult. While I was in college, I had the luxury of maintaining my blog. Actually, I am currently managing five (six 🤔) blog accounts, though a few of them are personal blogs (well, my vegan blog is quite personal as I simply store recipes on it).

I suddenly decided that I would drastically reduce the number of social accounts I have to post to, but I’m still keeping my actual blog sites separate because … well, niching down is pretty important.
So, what’s the number one thing I would recommend to you if you’re thinking about blogging?

That’s easy. Consistency. I’m writing this for myself as well. Being consistent in your blogging truly helps to keep you on track, but let’s be honest and face the harsh reality of the blogging (and working) world. We often don’t actually have the time to be consistent.

In other words (and in my case) I definitely need to bulk write and schedule my posts so that I’m able to have a steady stream of content pouring out. While doing that with my WordPress blogs is easy, handling Facebook and Instagram is another problem in itself.

So, with that out of the way, here are five tips to keep consistent at your blogging.

1 – Know Your Niche

Try to write things YOU want to read about, but most importantly, write things that fall within your interest and expertise. You don’t have to know everything, but once you start writing about your experiences that’s good enough.

2 – Schedule Your Posts

WordPress gives you an option to schedule your post, but you may have to check to see if it goes through. It’s easy to do this. All you need to do is download the Jetpack app for WordPress.

3 – Curate a List of Topics You Want to Write About

You are never out of ideas. Get a note app open on your phone and jot down some things you want to write about. When you have time, look over those notes and begin to write.

4 – Mix Long Form Content with Short Form Content

Sometimes writing an entire post can feel stressful, especially when there isn’t much to write about. Avoid writer burn-out by mixing healthy long-form content with short-form content.

5 – Take Breaks When You Need to

If you need to take a break, put up a notice (I forgot to do that), so that your followers know that you’re taking a break and not abandoning them.


It also helps if you don’t pressure yourself into thinking that you need to post for an audience. Keeping a personal blog (even if it’s public) is quite helpful as it gives you a way of escaping through words.

Happy Writing!

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